Thursday 27 October 2011

Is It Really Falling Apart or Getting Better?

The world is moving closer to something big and in a sense we are in the middle of the big moment already. The the divine light of the Creator, which drives our reality and pushes history has brought us to this point and yet there is a confusion as the mask falls from the faceless ruler of evil.

There is a covering through nature of the truth.  In the past it has been concentrated in evil and despotic rulers and yet now it is far worse, it is the machine bureaucracy and empty superlatives highlighting the benefit of Western thought and Democracy. The people vote and feel they have a say and so the old grievances feel less and over all connection to true ideology and the divine root of existence wanes.

This faceless ruler (the Memshelet Zadon according to Rav Wolbe in Alei Shur) is falling and with it the many things we hold dear.  Our comfortable world views are not so comfortable and we feel that things are spiralling out of control as the forces of globalization are stalled and shown to be broken.  Despite all of this, we see things are getting better, especially in Israel.  We are progressing and building and growing.  Is it perfect, no, but we are on an upward trajectory.  This is a direction towards something perfect, divine and true hidden in the world and covered by the faceless evil now becoming passe. This sublime truth of existence, the divine light and stream of G-dly consciousness is being revealed by us. 

The fall of Malchut Gog u Magog is not pretty.  It isn't supposed to be, but it is happening much more mercifully than we thought it would and that is the puzzle. We have imagined the end for centuries and this in many ways doesn't fit and yet when we learn Tanach and Gemorah and of course the writings of HaRav Kook and the Vilna Gaon we see, what is happening is exactly the way it should be.

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