Thursday 25 August 2011

Earthquake, Hurricane, and Pollard

As I landed in Eretz Yisrael on Tuesday afternoon after a four day express visit to NYC to see my father and grandparents I heard news of an earthquake on the east coast of the USA.  We all know by now that the Washington Monument has been cracked.  This is an overt sign to all those who have open eyes that the USA is in fact crumbling. Read my posts on the downgrade to understand more. My boss pointed out that the obelisk was also the same shape prized by Rome and Egypt.  The crack, is a huge crack in the American Empire, yet we must understand why this is happening.

The earthquake spanned from its epicenter in Virginia North to Martha's Vineyard while the President was there vacationing and the South to North Carolina. Jonathan Pollard is being held in Butner, North Carolina.  By this weekend Hurricane Irene is set to hit the Carolinas and then go North through DC/Baltimore, NY, and smack into Cape Cod, once again where the President is vacationing. Another link between Pollard who rots in jail, barred from visiting his dying father and attending his funeral.

Let My Brother Go

The message is clear.  Jonathan is entrapped in jail, because we as a nation are entrapped by the klippot of the Western culture.  Our souls yearn to be free as Jonathan yearns to come home to his own land.  Our fates are entwined.

A friend of mine asked me why  this message is being sent now to the USA and to Obama and not all the years before. He wanted to know why this year was different.  This year was the first time a Prime Minister made an official request for Pollard's release.  When Bibi did that has the head of Medinat Yisrael it changed the dynamic.  No longer had we failed to undertake pidyon shevuyim. By actively embracing the all encompassing mitzvah we placed the onus and responsibility both morally and spiritually on the shoulders of the USA.  We have screamed: Let My Brother Go! And so now HaShem is sending messages to Obama and the US to let him go, because by letting Jonathan Pollard go free we will be let go as well.  So far Obama is not listening and the US is crumbling.  Like Pharoah before him his heart is hardened and the miracles will grow great until Jonathan and all of us are freed from our inner galut and able to experience the light of the Creator in an open and revealed way.


  1. Articles and photos on DrudgeReport

    "An inspection of the Washington Monument Wednesday found more cracks in the "pyramidion", the top section of structure, according to the National Parks Service.

    A crack 4 feet long and an inch wide was found during a secondary inspection Tuesday evening,.."

  2. Yes, I saw. It looks that there maybe worse things ahead:

  3. This is very interesting.

  4. Keep up the good work. It is people like you who spread the truth as evident through Hashgacha Peratit. Now if only we can send this most timely message that you wrote here to Obama & Staff, Inc.
    Yishar Koach!

  5. If you have a way of getting this to him, be my guest, but I have a feeling he is not interested.

  6. A good point you make, that now Israel finally officially asked for his release but not a peep from the moslem mole. May he rot! Not just that. He rewarded some Jewish judge or prosecutor in Iowa a lifetime position for playing an important role in sentencing Sholom Rubashkin to 27 years in prison! Yemach shmo!
