Tuesday, 5 April 2011

Releasing Mashiach Ben Ephraim

With tonight's news of Shimon Peres asking President Obama to release Jonathan Pollard , one begs  the question on why Jonathan Pollard  has become so important that he has united Left and Right, Religious and Secular?  The answer is connected to the very nature of the redemption.

"And the Brothers Did Not Know it Was Yosef"

The original sin of the sons of Yaakov in selling their brother Yosef into slavery has haunted the Nation of Israel to this day.  We know that the selling of Yosef is the source of most of our calmities.  The Vilna Gaon makes it clear through his student Rav Mishkelov that Mashiach ben Yosef that upon our return to the Land of Israel Mashiach ben Yosef will rise in every generation, from the return onward.  This refers to a person and to a movement directed to the redemption of the physical Nation of Israel in its ancient homeland.  We also know that Mashiach ben Yosef will have the ability to remove Eisav's power or domination over us.  Yet with all of this Mashiach ben Yosef will not be recognized by his brothers and irn fact will be castigated by them, much like the original Yosef.

Mashiach ben Efraim Sits in Jail...

The Yalkut Shemoni tells us that the Mashiach ben Efraim, which is another name for Mashiach ben Yosef will be in jail at the end of days, suffering on behalf of all of Am Yisrael.  With his release the Yalkut tells us that the final redemption commences almost immediately.

Jonathan Pollard was thrown in jail over 25 years ago.  His crime? He acted to help the Nation of Israel empower itself with critical defense information and in so doing he saved countless lives during the Gulf War. He was willing to go to jail for his people and then the leaders of the State of Israel, the collective vessel for the Nation of Israel abandoned him.  Jonathan Pollard has suffered in jail and continues to do so.  His brothers abandoned him until now.  In fact Shimon Peres was the Prime Minister at the time of Jonathan Pollard's  initial imprisonment and was responsible for the Israeli government's implausible deniability.  Yet, now he has asked for his release. He  as come full circle, just like the brother's did so many years ago when they were finally willing to sacrifice  themselves to save Binyamin. In fact  it was Israeli PM Binyamin Netanyahu who acted as the catalyst initiating this final public push for Jonathan Pollard 's release.

The release of Jonathan Pollard will bring the final tikkun or correction for the initial sin of Yosef's brothers and with that a removal of the dominion of Eisav over Am Yisrael leading to the final redemption.


  1. Yasher koach. Please G-d, this Pesach! THIS year in Yerushalayim!!

  2. Shimon Peres was the Prime Minister at the time of Pollard's arrest and imprisonment, not the Defense Minister at the time.

  3. You're welcome!
    Have a look at these brief videos by Rabbi Mattiyahu Glazerson on "Jonathan Pollard in the Bible Codes" -- very interesting.

  4. Could you please give the exact place in the Yalkut Shimoni where this is mentioned about MBY in jail? I spoke to Rav Pinchus Winston about this. He would like to know too. Thank you

  5. Sure, its here: ישעיהו - פרק ס - רמז תצט You can see it online here: http://www.tsel.org/torah/yalkutsh/yishayahu.html#A1596

    Scroll down to: שנו רבותינו בשעה שמלך המשיח בא עומד על גג בית המקדש

    I can send you the whole piece by email.

    David: Thanks for the link. The video is amazing.

  6. IR, there are 2 Pollard videos in English that you can access from the link I sent you.

    Dov Bar-Lieb, Pesikta Rabbatai also has a number of references to Moshiach in prison. Here are a couple of examples. See also Pesikta Rabbatai 37


    "He is righteous [tzaddik] and saved [nosha] (Zachariah 9: 9) This is Moshiach who justifies [matzdik] the punishment Israel receives, for Israel ridiculed him while he was sitting in prison. He is thus called "tzaddik." Why is he called "saved" [nosha]? Because he justifies their punishment and says to them, "surely you are all my children, but you will only be saved [tinashu] through G-d's mercy."

    PESIKTA RABBATI continues: "A pauper and riding on an ass (Zachariah 9:9): This is Moshiach. And why is he called a "pauper"[ani]? Because he was impoverished [nit'ane], all those years in prison, and the sinners of Israel ridiculed him."

    PS Just for fun, here is a different angle:

    The Messiah who will in the future punish Gog and Magog and his forces, will grow up with them there in their country, as it says, "There shall the calf feed, and there shall he lie down and consume its branches." (Isaiah 27:10)

  7. IR One more minor but important correction to your piece. The phrase is "implausible deniability",and not "plausible deniability". The denial by the Israeli government was implausible, simply not believable, but they persisted in it anyway. The phrase was actually coined by Jonathan Pollard.

  8. David: Thanks, I'll change it. In terms of these sources, they add to the complete picture. The Yalkut Shemoni links it to the war with Persia.

  9. IR, You are welcome. There are others. here is another one that might interest you from Midrash Talpios:

    Ten signs indicating the world’s readiness for Moshiach were revealed to Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai. [The tenth sign in the list is]:

    10. Menachem Ben Amiel, Moshiach ben David, will be released from prison.
    As it says, “For one came out of prison to rule…(Kohelet 4:14). He will ride on a cloud. As it says, and behold, one like a son of man came with the clouds of Heaven (Daniel 7:13) He will be tall, thick-necked, and bright-eyed, and his face will shine like the sun…

  10. IR, one more for good measure. This one is from Midrash R. Yishmael

    R. Yishmael said… When the son of David comes, the whole world will be like a woman in labor. People will eat and drink but their hearts will not be in it.The holy will moan and noble families will scream. Cities will shake and nations will tremble. Vines will not bear fruit, and olives will wither, making wine and oil costly….…Moshiach will leave prison with his stick and haversack...

  11. I wrote about this in 2009 here and here.

  12. Peskita Rabbati, 36

    At that moment, the nations become excited and said, "Master of the Universe! Who is this whose hands we shall fall? What is his name? What is his nature?" G-d replied, He is the Moshiach and his name is Ephraim, my righteous Moshiach. He shall raise up himself and his generation [i.e. from degradation to independence]. He shall bring light to Israel and save his people, and no nation or tounge can withstand him... All his enemies and foes flee... Even the rivers cease running..."

    G-d sent ground-rules for [Moshiach]: "In the future, the sins of those stored away with you will place you under the sins of these stored away with you will place you under an iron burden. They will make you like this calf whose eyes have dimmed. Their burden will suffocate your spirit. Through their sins, your tongue will cleave to your palate. Do you wish this?" Moshiach asked "Is that pain going to last many years?" and G-d answered, "I swear by my life and yous that it shall last no later than the year seven thousand [i.e. the latest possible end, as noted previously from Avoda Zara 9a]. If you are unhappy with this, I will make them suffer starting now." The Moshiach replied, "Master of the Universe! Joyfully do I accept it upon myself so that not one Jew be lost... It is what I want!" ...

    The Rabbis said, "The week in which the Son of David comes, iron bars shall be brought and placed on his neck until he is bent over, and he will cry out .tearfully until his voice ascends to shamayim. He will say, "Master of the Universe! How long can my strength hold out?" My spirit? My soul? My limbs? Am I not flesh and blood?

    G-d will then reply, "Ephraim, Righteous Moshiach! You undertook this from the six days of creation. Now, your pain will be like mine, for since the day of Nebuchadnezzar went up and destroyed my house and burnt my sanctuary and exiled my children among the nations, I swear to you that I have never sat down on my throne; and if you not believe me, observe the dew that has settled on my head" .. The Moshiach will respond, "Master of the Universe! Now I am consoled. It suffices for the slave to be like his master.

  13. So here we are some 4,000 years after G-d's covenant with Abraham waiting for the Messiah especially since our Rebbe (Jewish leader) told us that we are the generation that will receive him. Thus, the more time that goes by the more impatient we become and we tell G-d over and over again, “We don’t wanna wait!!!” We demand in our loudest voice, “Mashiach now!!!” But then, I begin to wonder, “Why should we wait?” We have learned from the Rambam (Maimonides) and other sources that under Messiah’s rule, the world will change to the extent that everyone will be able to perceive G-dliness in all parts of the world. Therefore, the question stands, “Why should we wait?”
    The difference is in the effort. After our redemption, perception of G-dliness will be automatic; it won’t take any exertion. However, if we are to perceive G-dliness now we have to work at it because it is anything but obvious. Hassidism teaches us that G-d hides Himself. This statement seems confusing at first glance because He told us, “Do I not fill all worlds?” Thus, this seeming paradoxical concept of the Omnipresent concealed begs the question, “If he is everywhere, then where is He hiding?” The answer is, He hides behind our egos. Yes, a puffed-up sense of self that believes only in its own independence is obstructing the natural inclination to perceive G-dliness. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all of the righteous people to this day were able to perceive G-dliness everywhere because they had no ego blocking their view. More at http://thoughts4thesoul.wordpress.com

  14. Good News of Yerushalayim shel Mala and Yerushalayim shel Mata


    The living book of Ya'akov Eternal Family

    Torah was issued from Tziyon and word of HaShem is coming from Yerushalayim shel mala

    Shema Ancient Yisrael Adonai Eloheinu Adonai Echad

    Yerushalayim Shel Mala is calling Us

    Eliyahu Hanavi has come

    Yosef is still alive, Efrayim has united with Y’hudah .

    From Yosef Tribe - Efrayim is coming with Y’hudah Family - Son of David :
    Avraham, Yitzchak and Yaaqov and all his descendants and along with prophets .

    Appearance of “Moshiach ben David- Quickening Spirit”

    From Yosef House (Efrayim ) attached with Spirit of Eliyahu

    In these times

    From Yosef House, Efrayim recognized his brothers, but they didn’t recognize him.

    Yerushalayim shel Mala is calling Us - New Birth


    Rebuilding of Yerushalayim shel Mata – Bone of Bone and Flesh of Flesh


    Praise Adonai Elohim and victory to Moshiach ben David

