Thursday, 7 April 2011

Google Maps for the IAF

Click on the map to enlarge. 

On a More Serious Note

Could this be the real reason for the strike in Port Sudan?

Only time will tell.  We need to remember that Nissan is the month of miracles and the beginning of the redemption.


  1. I don't get it. What am I missing?

  2. Click on the map to enlarge...I should probably say that.

  3. A "little" thing like this may have gone undetected, because "The target of the miracle does not recognize the miracle wrought for him", except that you may have revealed it.

  4. I feel stupid. I clicked on it and don't know what I'm looking at....

  5. ???? I clicked the map - I looked at the website noted on circle - it is in French. I also say, what am I missing?

  6. OK OK. My co worker has a funny sense of humor. We put in Hatzerim Airforce Base and Port. We wanted to make a mock flight route for the IAF's assassination of Hamas terrorists in Port Sudan the other day. I guess it didn't go over so well.

  7. I think this is very neat... do you really think the IAF used google maps to find the right route to sudan?? also I never saw that there was "by plane" option! cool!
