Monday 4 June 2012

Join Us Or Die

It has become clear that a great final push by the forces of evil is afoot in our Land. As chaos rages around the world, the government in Israel seems to be torn apart over five houses in Beit El.  Everyone knows this is not just about five houses, but whether or not the same procedure that has been used to relegate these five to "illegal status" can be applied to many thousands across Yesha.  But this too is a mere side point.

We are entering the final phase of the NWO (new world order) where in spiritual terms the Kingdom of Gog and Magog seeks to reign over the world.  There is one country in the way of that and that is Israel, especially the settlement enterprise in Yehudah and Shomron. The settlements give proof that G-d keeps his promises, that we have returned and that we are not the same as an ordinary Nation.  Yet, if the globalists can destroy our hope and dreams, we can be beaten.  To this end them employ the Erev Rav and ultimately they are the ones who we are at war with here in the Land of Israel.  Their power grows by the day and their strangle hold over everything seems unwavering. They are the puppeteers behind the Supreme Court and hold sway over the government.  More and more of the country is pulled in by them. One time admirable leaders seem to break and join their ranks, yet all is not lost

There is Light

The war of Gog and Magog at its essence is not about Iran, Syria, or Russia.  The war is really about our inner selves.  It is a war for the truth and it is fought on an internal, multi-world battlefield. Those of us who remain awake know that it is with faith and knowledge that we can win.  And this is why the Globalists seek to destroy those two weapons.  They distract us with their "entertainment" and pseudo intellectualism and with each soul they convince to stay asleep, they grow stronger.  

Speak And He Will Listen

Rebbe Nachman is the aspect of Yosef.  He lies buried in the Galut, in the darkest of lands and yet his light shines bright as he said it would towards the end.  Just like the original Yosef was the catalyst for the redemption from Egypt, Rebbe Nachman is for our redemption.  Rebbe Nachman fore saw all of this and knew our only way out would be to speak to G-d in a simple and pure faith. 

It is simple really; connect to the Creator or become sucked into the New World Order's version of a future Utopia, suffering a final spiritual death. We have only one true way left and that is to speak to our Father in Heaven.  He will listen.

Yes, it is true it seems that with Givat Ulpana we are entering a very scary phase, but we should be thankful that the Erev Rav has become unmasked once again and this time when they stick out their hands to have us join them we can turn to HaShem for strength, knowing that this is all but a shadow covering our path to redemption. The evil is being unmasked before our eyes, the shadows will dissipate and we will move onward to redemption.


  1. The Mazal for the month of Siwan is the Twins. Like the entire zodiac the various mazalot are really channels of G-d bringing down his tZiDKut to the world in 12 or 13 separate portions in the course of the year. See the word ZoDiaK in tZiDKut. It really is the same shoresh. So the month of Siwan is the ultimate choice between Good and Evil, everlasting Life and everlasting Death. Our two inclinations for good and evil are really equal in size and scope, creating true tests of moral free will where the benefits of one over the other are really equally appearing choices. One definitely has more immediate gratification. Living in a world of constantly seeking positive world approval is definitely in the category of immediate gratification. Then there is the higher soul of the thoughtful Lonely Man of Faith, who sees infinite Truths that 99% of humanity might choose to ignore. Believe it or not this is an equally powerful choice and is the only choice that will attach one's soul to the Eternal. Nothing less than this is the choice that the members of the Knesset have this Wednesday. The good news is that either way, the Geulah will be here by Tisha B'Av. We can either choose the more sunlit road of enlightened Truth or the depraved road of groveling before World Public Opinion. I hope that we choose the former rather than the latter this full moon of Siwan where this choice is most pronounced. Either way we should be properly equipped no matter which road Klipah Noga (the Knesset) might choose on the day of the Noga Transit. Klipah Noga unlike the other klipot can be attached to sanctity as easily as it is attached to the profane. Is it a siman tov that Noga itself will be choosing the sunlit road on that very day??

  2. zo·di·ac
    1350–1400; Middle English zodiaque < Latin zōdiacus < Greek zōidiakòs ( kýklos ) signal (circle), equivalent to zṓidi ( on ) animal sign ( zô ( ion ) animal + -idion diminutive suffix) + -akos -ac

    i.e. what you're saying about the word Zodiac makes no sense, as you're mixing the root letters Zoo- meaning animal, and two different suffixes, -idion, and -ac.

    1. Yes, go back to the Ancient Greek. Using Isaac Mozeson's rules is to go back to one of the 70 original languages that came from Bavel. Yet, all the 70 original languages come from Bavel. So does the TZ-D-Q root. Yet, your assertion that there must be a Greek suffix with a lot of other mishmash which makes zero sense is an anti-Semitic device that seeks to deny the Hebrew root of Indo-European words. The Brother's Grimm were at the same time great etymologists who derived several sound laws of language evolution but were also vicious anti-Semites who thought to deJudaize European languages of their original Hebrew roots. So many modern linguists have worked day and night to do mental gymnastics to deny Mother Hebrew her just do. Sorry the Z-D-Q root is as plain as the nose on our faces. Coming up with the other shtuyot about animal signs when some of the signs aren't even animals is just that shtuyot (nonsense). You even point out yourself that the Middle English root has a Q in it for Qof which is a Q equivalent. So how did that just appear out of thin air?? The English turned the Latin C or K into a Q for any apparent reason? This is part of the shtuyot of modern etymology that seeks to deny the Hebrew root of the 70 original languages of which Greek was one of those languages. On that we can agree.

    2. I refer you to Isaac Mozeson's own work on this very subject, "The Word". Look up the word zodiac in his dictionary. Sorry, the given etymology given by most English dictionaries does not pass the British condescension test which thinks that Semites evolved from a lower form of ape. Most of these etymologists learned their worldview by reading the works of Houston Stewart Chamberlain and others of his ilk.

    3. My problem isn't with the concept, it's with this particular application of it. Every reputable source I could find traces the root of the word zodiac to Zoo-, meaning life. It doesn't make sense to me to mix in the root sounds of a meaning, with the languages particular constructs (prefixes, suffixes, etc). Besides that, what does tzedek have to do with constellations? I didn't find your explanation convincing.
      If you want make a connection to Hebrew, what's immediately obvious to me is Constellation (from latin Stella, star). Seems similar enough to MaZal to make a case.

    4. Well for one, Isaac Mozeson himself is convinced that the root of ZoDiaC is tZeDeQ. Secondly the whole idea of dividing up G-d's judgement on the world into 12 segments is rooted in the Torah's view of G-d's compassion, and how we are able to appeal His original Decision on Rosh HaShana and Hoshana Rabbah every Rosh Chodesh, at the beginning of each lunar cycle. The character of how Judgement is divided up amongst the months of the year is a reflection of the TZeDeQ (Zodiac) for each particular month. This is how I learned to understand what the zodiac is all about. For instance for Tishrei itself, the Tzedek is the scales which weigh all of our spiritual assets and liabilities to see which has more weight to determine whether we have Eternal Life or not. Notice that the Scales (Libra) are not part of any pagan zoo. The same goes with the Fish during Adar. In that month Ephraim and Menashe are impervious to the Evil Eye just like fish that multiply under the surface of the water. And of course the Twins themselves (for Siwan) are human, and again do not belong in any zoo, unless you might be referring to our own Yetzer HaRa which emanates from our animal souls. Oh and of course there is Av when Mashiach ben David will be revealed to the world, the mazal for that month is the lion as in the Lion of Yehudah. The correspondence between G-d's TZeDeQ and the zodiac is exact, but of course it cannot be used to determine destinies and to predict the future.

  3. Here a link to message by 22:00-22:30 on shier
    Rav HaMekubal Rabbi David Abuchazera Shlita of Naharia said moshiach will be here by chodesh Tammuz & Av 5772 & by 9-10th Tammuz Iran will shut off world oil supply and Hormuz at stake..’s-air-sea-blockade-plan-for-Iran-delays-Israeli-strike-Hormuz-at-stake-
    Hormuz is lashen of tammuz (תמוז-הורמוז) here this is from zohar and On July 1, the Europeans will activate the embargo that left pending on Iranian oil exports and banks.This day in Hebrew is תמוז

  4. Until Tzvi is proven correct, the chances of bloodshed are real. I am haunted by pictures from Amona in 2006 when the bleeding face of Effie Eitam, may tzaddikim always be remembered, is such a stark reminder of where this war with the Erev Rav is going. I am personally concerned with the violence that will result because of all this. There was already an attack against the Ephraim brigade before the destruction of established non-recognized yishuvim has even
    begun. Until now the demolitions have revolved around outposts established within 30 days. According to Kabbalah, as we head into the three weeks, the potential for tohu to reign at the End of Days is real, especially during the nine days. The Tohu would come as a direct result of this incredible amount of evil. I doubt that any of those voting for destruction today are even thinking about that.

  5. I can buy into your thesis except where you say, "To this end them employ the Erev Rav" (b.t.w. - you miswrote THEY employ).
    I say this because it cannot be so easy to sideline Jews into the Erev Rav camp because they are hell-bent on liberalism. This is a feeling, not an assessment of (unavailable) facts, and certainly cannot qualify as halacha. So use of the term Erev Rav is inaccurate and flimsy. More importantly, I read where the Rebbe said that we cannot know who the Erev Rav are.

    As for the political storms that simmer all about us, us Jews, I firmly believe that were we to ignore them, we would faster see reprieve and the geulah because - giving Goyim our attention is the avenue by which these Goyim receive their lifeblood. I repeat, our deeming THEIR affairs as important, important enough to draw away our attention from learning or doing mitzvot, IN AND OF ITSELF FEEDS those who really have no choice in their actions. WE have FREE CHOICE and WE CAN ELIMINATE ALL THREATS, by virtue of OUR BEHAVIOR. WE are responsible for world events because, on the threshold of Geulah, THAT is our power, and we must withstand the test to be bewildered by the Gentiles.

    (Of course I am not saying the army and its chiefs must sit with folded arms, because their job is to protect the nation and each of us must continue to do our jobs because
    עולם כמנהגו נוהג

  6. The Erev Rav are very small in number, but their affect on everyone from the Prime Minister (he does not seem to be one) on down is like cloud covering the light from their eyes. Our most virulent enemy is the Erev Rav and how we defeat them is to not fight directly but rather indirectly. This is through spreading emunah and love of Eretz Yisrael and Am Yisrael and of course to spread the notion that Geulah is immanent.

    Thanks for the catch on the typo.

  7. We cannot know who Erev Rav are, any more than you can tell if Bibi is one of them or not. We simply have to do our thing and spread light. That in and of itself will disperse the darkness. Fingerpointing here and there and adding labels to him or her is a waste of precious time, and whether or not someone has Erev Rav roots is a sterile exercise.

    You say, "It has become clear that a great final push by the forces of evil is afoot in our Land". That sure nails it, although I'd add it is, in fact, afoot all over the world, because from all over the world the evil must become distilled out of the overwhelming evil, although of course the crux of it all shall obtain focus in our holy Eretz Yisrael.
