Wednesday 28 April 2010

Settling the Land

In the past anti-semitism always focused on the denial of Jewish rights to practice their religion. As the Nation of Israel rose from the depths of destruction in Europe and Arab Lands to once again establish a "Kingdom" in the Land of Israel, anti-semitism switched from the out of fashion attach on Jewish religion to an attack on Jewish rights to settle and live in the Land of their forefathers.

Since the nations of the world fear a renewed Kingdom of Israel, their desire to impress a "solution" on the conflict between Israel and the Arabs has reached a much more critical level. By using the "Palestinians" as a tool to create an "false occupation" they have succeeded in making Israel into a colonizing nation.

But the People of Israel are not colonizers, they are returning to their birthright. This birthright is the same birthright that the ancestors of the Western World, the Romans succeeded in taking away from the Jewish people almost 2000 years ago.

The Western World seems focused on righting historic wrongs they feel they have perpetrated, yet when it comes to the Land of Israel, they have been quick to rewrite history, painting Israel as the foreign colonists.

The Solution

There really is only one solution and that is to settle the Land of Israel without embarrassment. The anti-semitism today is couched in terms like "human rights violations," "occupation," and "apartheid." These terms seek to disconnect the Jewish people's biblical, religious, and historic right to the Land of Israel. This is the scourge of anti-semitism that must be battled head on.

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