In the deepest part of our soul is the point where the individual consciousness fades away and the national expression begins. That deep internal place is where we remain pure, whole. The exile severed the relationship between person and Nation and replaced it with an emptiness not yet replaced. In the emptiness that exile brought upon us exists our individual desires and drives. The Land of Israel and the State are the first steps back towards finding a National Consciousness, but individual concerns and desires out way the National Good. Of course this description has often times been placed on the communities in Yehuda and the Shomron. How many times have we heard that they must be sacrificed for "National Good." That is just it though. A Nation which is whole never sacrifices a part of it's Land. It never reserves the right to tell another where to live.
At the end there will be no peace or even a lull. Sacrificing our fellow brothers' and sisters' homes and lives so the other can continue to live a "comfortable Western life," is just another form of personal self interest over the true National Good.
The light fades. It dims with every concession. It darkens with every giving into our enemies demand. Our enemies, both in the Middle East and in North America and Europe do not want peace, they want to remove a problem. This problem is the Jew. It has always been the Jew and for them will always be the Jew. In the past the Jew was wandering and so he was lowly, reminding the world of morality and G-d. Now he no longer wanders and reminds the World that the Nation of Israel lives and the G-d of Israel is a living G-d whose light flows through the World.
Redemption is upon us. It began when the first "settlers came home over 120 years ago and it continues now. The World wants us dead. They want our holy places and even more important they want us to give up our holy places. At the end we will win, for G-d has returned us to our borders. No matter the struggle now at hand, those enemies of ours whether they pray to Mecca or prop themselves up as a God in their little White House across the Atlantic will be destroyed.
We appear without a King, yet everyday we say Shema Yisrael HaShem Elokeinu HaShem Echad. Baruch Shem Malchuto, L'Olam VaEd. His Kingdom reigns forever. He is our King. And HaShem the Creator of the World who kept his promise and returned us to our Ancient Heritage will always be our King long after the Obama's and Abbas's of the world disappear.
Sunday, 11 August 2013
Sunday, 21 July 2013
The Fallen King
There were so many pieces of Torah I wanted to write, but news has swept them away.
What do we do when our leader or King falls? To give into the nations of the world, to succumb to the blindness of doubt, what hope is there for a leader who reverses course and releases terrorists just to sit at a table with another terrorist?
Our task is not to judge. After all the King of Israel is the heart of the nation and in our imperfect return all of our "kings" have been just that; a reflection of the level of the Nation itself. We cannot judge for we are not standing where he is standing, in the test he has been given.
The Land of Israel is a whole entity. It is one. There is no division that can scar it, nor politician that can relinquish it. Every Jew that settles the Land of Israel performs more than just a mitzvah, but expands the border of the Kingdom of Israel. Yet we live here in an imperfect entity, where many of us are enamored with the allure of present comforts, without the thought of the future.
Kingdom from within the State
Were at the end of time. How long is left, is not clear, yet we are moving closer to point in time where "Jerusalem will be a Cup of Poison." At that point in time the shell or klipah which surrounds the Kingdom of Israel will fall away and the Nations of the World will realize the truth.
As the State of Yisrael breaks the Kingdom will emerge whole from within it. The true King will not fall like the leaders of today. He will lead. He will believe in the words of Isiah: "All the nations are as nothing before him, they are accounted by him as less than nothing and emptiness." (40:17) and we will be comforted.
The test is for us as a Nation to believe in the same words and only then can we expect our leaders to do the same.
What do we do when our leader or King falls? To give into the nations of the world, to succumb to the blindness of doubt, what hope is there for a leader who reverses course and releases terrorists just to sit at a table with another terrorist?
Our task is not to judge. After all the King of Israel is the heart of the nation and in our imperfect return all of our "kings" have been just that; a reflection of the level of the Nation itself. We cannot judge for we are not standing where he is standing, in the test he has been given.
The Land of Israel is a whole entity. It is one. There is no division that can scar it, nor politician that can relinquish it. Every Jew that settles the Land of Israel performs more than just a mitzvah, but expands the border of the Kingdom of Israel. Yet we live here in an imperfect entity, where many of us are enamored with the allure of present comforts, without the thought of the future.
Kingdom from within the State
Were at the end of time. How long is left, is not clear, yet we are moving closer to point in time where "Jerusalem will be a Cup of Poison." At that point in time the shell or klipah which surrounds the Kingdom of Israel will fall away and the Nations of the World will realize the truth.
As the State of Yisrael breaks the Kingdom will emerge whole from within it. The true King will not fall like the leaders of today. He will lead. He will believe in the words of Isiah: "All the nations are as nothing before him, they are accounted by him as less than nothing and emptiness." (40:17) and we will be comforted.
The test is for us as a Nation to believe in the same words and only then can we expect our leaders to do the same.
Wednesday, 3 July 2013
The Collapse is On
The light of the Creator permeates all of existence as the creation is the direct expression of the Creator's will. There are only two situations in the creation: Revelation or Concealment. All of creation acts as a medium for these two expressions. Galuth is the global situation which causes the light of the Creator to be concealed. What began as a physical exile turns into a spiritual one as the heart of the world (the Temple) became disconnected with it's counterparts in the above worlds (see Nefesh HaChaim, the first Gate). Without a Temple in this World, Am Yisrael no longer was able to be the Sovereign in its own Land and so the Temple's disappearance millenia ago was the direct catalyst to the disappearance of a sovereign Jewish entity here in the Land of Israel.
The concealment of the Creator's light left a world full of kelim (vessels), but these vessels became twisted and warped. As the Galuth rolled on in History the Rabbis were able to harness Halacha as a National directive, but that only lasted as long as there were no other challenges to their legitimate leadership of Am Yisrael.
With the "breaking of the Ghetto walls" and the rise of the "enlightened gentile" Jews could no longer be counted on to follow the Rabbis and so even movements like Zionism, which started out as a directive from the Vilna Gaon, become hijacked by opposing "enlightened" forces. These forces which spawned everything from Secular Zionism to Communism to Wilsonian Liberalism are none other than the Klipah of the Erev Rav. This Klipa feeds off the Galuth. It uses the same vessels which are meant to be raised up when in the hands of Holy Men as tools for evil. Zionism has become the preeminent example of this.
When Jews began streaming back in search of establishing a sovereign entity with the express purpose of furthering the redemption and building the third Beih Hamikdash, the Erev Rav knew that it was a life and death struggle for their existence. So they did the most unthinkable thing, join the struggle to establish a sovereign state in the Land of Israel.
They convinced their Edomite masters to grant them leadership and in that way they would be in full power to prevent the movement and the rise of Moshiach ben Yosef. The only issue with this plan was that coming back to the Land of Israel itself is one of the steps in the Geulah process. By coming back some of the concealment prevalent in Galuth recedes and light shines brighter in the world.
Redemption comes in stages. In each stage concealment is lowered and the light of the Creator shines brighter. The Erev Rav took a gamble and in that gamble allowed the redemption to move along in hopes that their control would be cemented here in the Holy Land.
Yet, their power along with the Statue of the Global Hegemonic Kingdom is now in collapse mode. The Erev Rav is evil and although tremendous forces are at work in the world we live in, the Erev Rav remain in control of the State of Israel and some of the highest halls of power across the globe.
We cannot destroy the Erev Rav by going against them directly. They have succeeded in controlling the agenda for the Jewish people over the last 150 years or more and the multitudes of our brethren, even religious ones pulled into their orbit. Our war is more than a war over Land, it is cultural war. The Erev Rav seek to draw Western culture into Am Yisrael's "belly" in hopes that it remains base and low...too low to realize it's holy potential.
We can only take control of the Geulah when we break free of reliance on the West. The more we see through the West's hypocritical use of expressions like "freedom" or "equality" then we open our minds to follow the true path. This is the path of Torath Yisrael, which is the true Torah given to our master and teacher Moshe Rabbeinu.
By connecting to the will of the Creator we will have the strength to resist the temptation of false Western freedoms and help rid our Land and region of Western control. The global realization that the "freedom" they have is false has spurred uprisings throughout the globe. The Creator light bursts forward in the most unlikely ways as movements that are both anarchist and leftist have become the greatest tool to help collapse the "Evil Empire" of Edom. As the mask of Galuth falls away our ability to see the light of the Creator will magnify and we will see how now this period of time of global turbulence was necessary to force the collapse of those powers seeking to halt the redemption and extinguish the light of G-d from our planet.
The concealment of the Creator's light left a world full of kelim (vessels), but these vessels became twisted and warped. As the Galuth rolled on in History the Rabbis were able to harness Halacha as a National directive, but that only lasted as long as there were no other challenges to their legitimate leadership of Am Yisrael.
With the "breaking of the Ghetto walls" and the rise of the "enlightened gentile" Jews could no longer be counted on to follow the Rabbis and so even movements like Zionism, which started out as a directive from the Vilna Gaon, become hijacked by opposing "enlightened" forces. These forces which spawned everything from Secular Zionism to Communism to Wilsonian Liberalism are none other than the Klipah of the Erev Rav. This Klipa feeds off the Galuth. It uses the same vessels which are meant to be raised up when in the hands of Holy Men as tools for evil. Zionism has become the preeminent example of this.
When Jews began streaming back in search of establishing a sovereign entity with the express purpose of furthering the redemption and building the third Beih Hamikdash, the Erev Rav knew that it was a life and death struggle for their existence. So they did the most unthinkable thing, join the struggle to establish a sovereign state in the Land of Israel.
They convinced their Edomite masters to grant them leadership and in that way they would be in full power to prevent the movement and the rise of Moshiach ben Yosef. The only issue with this plan was that coming back to the Land of Israel itself is one of the steps in the Geulah process. By coming back some of the concealment prevalent in Galuth recedes and light shines brighter in the world.
Redemption comes in stages. In each stage concealment is lowered and the light of the Creator shines brighter. The Erev Rav took a gamble and in that gamble allowed the redemption to move along in hopes that their control would be cemented here in the Holy Land.
Yet, their power along with the Statue of the Global Hegemonic Kingdom is now in collapse mode. The Erev Rav is evil and although tremendous forces are at work in the world we live in, the Erev Rav remain in control of the State of Israel and some of the highest halls of power across the globe.
We cannot destroy the Erev Rav by going against them directly. They have succeeded in controlling the agenda for the Jewish people over the last 150 years or more and the multitudes of our brethren, even religious ones pulled into their orbit. Our war is more than a war over Land, it is cultural war. The Erev Rav seek to draw Western culture into Am Yisrael's "belly" in hopes that it remains base and low...too low to realize it's holy potential.
We can only take control of the Geulah when we break free of reliance on the West. The more we see through the West's hypocritical use of expressions like "freedom" or "equality" then we open our minds to follow the true path. This is the path of Torath Yisrael, which is the true Torah given to our master and teacher Moshe Rabbeinu.
By connecting to the will of the Creator we will have the strength to resist the temptation of false Western freedoms and help rid our Land and region of Western control. The global realization that the "freedom" they have is false has spurred uprisings throughout the globe. The Creator light bursts forward in the most unlikely ways as movements that are both anarchist and leftist have become the greatest tool to help collapse the "Evil Empire" of Edom. As the mask of Galuth falls away our ability to see the light of the Creator will magnify and we will see how now this period of time of global turbulence was necessary to force the collapse of those powers seeking to halt the redemption and extinguish the light of G-d from our planet.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
The Mask Has Dropped
The revelations this week about the scope and breadth of NSA surveillance in the USA should be a message to everyone that the emperor no longer has clothes. The USA is now transformed into the very nation it always claimed to be fighting against. All of its claims are now gone. The mask has dropped and so has the pleasantries.
John Kerry and his ilk have stepped up threats. MAKE PEACE OR ELSE. Of course his minions here have continued to support such insane propositions.
Both Am Yisrael and Esav seek boundaries. Am Yisrael uses boundaries throughout Halacha to create space for holiness or kedushah. Esav does the opposite. They seek boundaries in order to rid a space of all holiness. After all, for the West all boundaries are holy and if all boundaries are holy, then nothing really is holy.
Dividing the Land of Israel at the End of Days is the last hope for Esav as it becomes irrelevant. Esav hopes now to prove its relevancy by showing that Israel is the same as all other nation-states, but that is where it fails. Israel is more than the boundaries of the State. Am Yisrael or Malchut Israel exists on a global level. The boundaries of Eretz Yisrael and outward are just delineations of holiness within the framework of the global Kingdom. Our nation has power as a nation in Eretz Yisrael, but its reach is global for Halacha works within all boundaries, even if each boundary has apparent gradations in holiness.

So now we are at the End. Rome is now revealed as evil andas hypocritical as it's enemies and with its march to irrelevancy, the borders that had been declared post WW1 as sacrosanct across the indigenous regions of the West's former colonies are falling apart.
As the borders around us become meaningless, the Middle East's indigenous peoples seek to rectify the sin of Western Imperialism. Within this context our own people have an opportunity to break free of our modern colonial masters. The war between the forces of Mashiach ben Yosef and the Erev Rav and of course their Western masters is entering it's final phase.
After all, the Tzipi Livni has declared that we must choose between democracy and Torah. I for one choose the latter. Of course that is the struggle. The Creator has made our choice simpler, since the West we always admired no longer really exists, if it ever did to begin with.
Wednesday, 9 January 2013
Yosef Rising
It happens quickly. One leader falls and another begins to rise to the challenge.
We are standing in what is known as Yemot HaMashiach Ben Yosef. The days of Mashiach ben Yosef. Within this era there is a paradigm being played out...the Shaul vs. David relationship is unfolding before us. Every leadership transition has to have this paradigm and we now see it taking place.
Bibi who believes he is the predetermined leader set to herald a State of Israel that is both accepted and strong represents the finest of the previous ruling order, but that is what it is; a ruling class that does not see itself as having a divine mandate, but is satisfied in ruling for the sake of ruling. No matter how much he wants to do the right thing, Bibi is a product of a State of Israel without redemption as it's goal. This is Shaul who could not defeat Amalek, because he could not differentiate between his rule as the King of Israel and that of another King.
Then there is Naftali Bennett. He has been outside the system, connected to the new world; the one which is leaving behind the constrictive nature of our hegemonic world order. Hi Tech success, grass roots leader, young and forward thinking. He is of course the former Chief of Staff for Bibi and now he is rising. His role is that of the David within the quest to be Mashiach ben Yosef. He offers a course towards a redemptive paradigm. Technology and Spirit. A true tikkun instead of continued malaise driven by empty words and slogans. He is set to take the mantle of Mashiach ben Yosef from the Shaul.
The country is changing. Old ways are melting, barriers falling, something new is happening, a Yosef is rising and rising very fast.
We are standing in what is known as Yemot HaMashiach Ben Yosef. The days of Mashiach ben Yosef. Within this era there is a paradigm being played out...the Shaul vs. David relationship is unfolding before us. Every leadership transition has to have this paradigm and we now see it taking place.
Bibi who believes he is the predetermined leader set to herald a State of Israel that is both accepted and strong represents the finest of the previous ruling order, but that is what it is; a ruling class that does not see itself as having a divine mandate, but is satisfied in ruling for the sake of ruling. No matter how much he wants to do the right thing, Bibi is a product of a State of Israel without redemption as it's goal. This is Shaul who could not defeat Amalek, because he could not differentiate between his rule as the King of Israel and that of another King.
Then there is Naftali Bennett. He has been outside the system, connected to the new world; the one which is leaving behind the constrictive nature of our hegemonic world order. Hi Tech success, grass roots leader, young and forward thinking. He is of course the former Chief of Staff for Bibi and now he is rising. His role is that of the David within the quest to be Mashiach ben Yosef. He offers a course towards a redemptive paradigm. Technology and Spirit. A true tikkun instead of continued malaise driven by empty words and slogans. He is set to take the mantle of Mashiach ben Yosef from the Shaul.
The country is changing. Old ways are melting, barriers falling, something new is happening, a Yosef is rising and rising very fast.
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