The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave is a fallen shadow of its former self. The world is changing fast and the cultural emptiness that has simmered for years underneath the surface in America has boiled up and revealed the hollow shell which has always been there. The ligh of redemption is hidden within the Klippot of the world in which we live, but Edom is empty, as the Midrash states, "'...darkness on the face of the deep' refers to the Evil Kingdom" otherwise known as Edom.
The world is world built on the four Kingdoms of our exile. In order for the redemption to commence, Edom being the sum total of all exile's before it must fall. In that as the Maharal says in Ner Mitzvah will translate in Edom "returning the crown of Torah to Am Yisrael."
Yes, the world seems like its crumbling, but a new world is being born and we are here to witness it's birthday!
Stay's coming!